Unity in Action: A Photographic History of the African National Congress, South Africa, 1912-82

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Oliver Tambo had this to say in launching the Unity in Action campaign highlighted in this coffee table volume: The names of the founding fathers are in the minds of many of the oppressed people of our country today as we commemorate the 70th anniversary of the foundation of the African National Congress. One of these, Pixley ka Izaka Seme, had declared in 1906: "The brighter day is rising upon Africa... Yes, the regeneration of Africa belongs to this new and powerful period. The African people... possess a common fundamental sentiment which is everywhere manifest...On this, our 70th anniversary, we call upon our people, and on our allies and supporters to make 1982 a Year of Unity in Action with the intensification of our assault on all fronts. We call upon our working people, the backbone of our liberation movement to mobilise as never before at the point of production to build a powerful democratic trade union movement for the advancement of the interests of the workers and their activisation into the struggle for the victory of the national democratic revolution. The year of the 70th anniversary of the ANC has been proclaimed by that august body, the General Assembly of the United Nations, as the year of mobilisation for the implementation of sanctions against apartheid.(2) We urge that all those who truly wish to see an end to the inhuman system of apartheid should, acting in unity, seize this opportunity to ensure that the Pretoria regime is isolated as never before. Failure to do this will condemn our people and those of southern Africa in particular and in the end, the rest of mankind, to a terrible bloodletting that will forever remain a blot on the conscience of the entire humanity. Today we commemorate with deserved pride the 70th anniversary of our national union. This is a historic occasion which has been made possible by the sacrifices which our people have made throughout these years and the support of the world democratic movement. - from Amzon 
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